KensaGroup is now making its A2I™ process available to corporate and academic partners with its Gateway Intellectual Property to Industry (IPI) initiative. KensaGroup’s goal is to apply the A2I process to non-core intellectual property as well as intellectual property of interest so that partners can decide if they have a market-relevant platform on which to base a startup business, a corporate spinout or a licensing opportunity. The goal of the IPI service is to apply the focused, rigorous, non-biased, market-driven A2I process to internal assets. The work product of the IPI service will be a reference document for making decisions about the use of the intellectual property as a spinout, an internal operating unit, or a saleable asset.
Many corporations develop intellectual property that is ancillary to their core operating competencies. Because that intellectual property is not central to what the company does, it remains underutilized despite the fact that such intellectual property may be valuable. Evaluating, positioning and “launching” are necessary if the full potential is to be realized.
KensaGroup is offering its proprietary Gateway IPI service based upon its market proven A2I Process to help companies realize the economic benefits of their underutilized intellectual property portfolios.